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Relieve Aches & Pains Bath Tea


Product Description

Your sore, tired muscles will thank you for using this detoxifying blend! Fill your tub with warm water, drop in one Relieves Aches & Pains Bath Tea Pouch and steep away the pain! This hydrating bath tea is designed to relieve aching joints, tension, sore muscles and ease inflammation.
About the Bag: The Oil Bar has hand selected one of the most unique and eco-friendly bags for our Bath Teas. The Bag  is a non-gmo, organic, allergy free, gluten free filter media tea bag that is completely biodegradable and compostable in 21 days after use. 
Each Bath Tea Kit includes 4 Tea Pouches 
Ingredients: Pink Himalayan Salts, Dead Sea Salts, Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts), Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Peppermint Leaves, Cedarwood*, Basil, Eucalyptus*, Rosemary*, Tea Tree*, Bergamot*, Lavender*, Patchouli Dark*, Spearmint*, Peppermint*, Juniper Berry & Sweet Orange* Essential Oils *Organic Essential OilNo Parabens, No phthalates, No Propylene Glycol, No Mineral Oil, No Sulfate,  no petrolatum, no animal testing
Made in the USA using Globally sourced ingredients.


Elderberries help prevent wrinkles, fade age spots and generally improves the glow and tone skin. Organic Frankincense Essential Oil helps speed healing, relieves stress and helps boost immune system Ingredients: Pink Himalayan Salts, Dead Sea Salts, Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts), Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Purple Tea, Papaya, Elderberries, Lemon Peel, Currants, Green Tea, Oolong, Cornflowers, Rose Petals, and Hibiscus. Organic Frankincense, Organic Tea Tree, Organic Rosemary, Organic Lemon, Organic Eucalyptus and Organic Wild Orange Essential Oils. Organic Avocado Oil.


Runny nose? Slight Headache? Do you feel a sickness coming on? Fill your tub with warm water and drop in 1 Resist Viruses & Infections Bath Tea Pouch and steep the aches away. Detoxify and soak up the rewards of all the salts, oils and herbs and get back to feeling like yourself again!

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